Investor FAQs
- What is the address of Michael Hill International's corporate headquarters?
Michael Hill International Support Office
34 Southgate Avenue, Cannon Hill QLD 4170
- On what Stock Exchange are Michael Hill International shares traded and what is the ticker of the Company ? Michael Hill International is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange with a secondary listing on the New Zealand Stock Exchange, and trades under the MHJ ticker on both exchanges.
- When does Michael Hill International's fiscal year end? Michael Hill International has adopted a 52 week retail calendar, which is typically used in the retail sector. The Company’s financial year will end on the last Sunday in June, with the first three financial quarters each consisting of 13 weeks with the remaining quarter being 13 or 14 weeks as required.
- Who is Michael Hill International's auditor? Ernst & Young
Level 51
111 Eagle Street
Brisbane Queensland 4000
- Who is Michael Hill International's Depository Bank? ANZ Banking Group Limited.
- Does Michael Hill International have a dividend reinvestment plan ? No it doesn't, and currently there are no plans to introduce such a scheme.
- Who is Michael Hill International's share registrar and how to contact them? Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
Street address: Level 1, 200 Mary Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000 Australia
Postal address: GPO Box 2975, Melbourne, VIC 3001 Australia
Phone (toll free within Australia): 1300 850 505
Phone (outside Australia): +61 3 9415 4000
- How will my dividend be paid?
Michael Hill International have a mandatory direct credit policy. You can update your payment instruction via . If you have an outstanding payment or have any questions in relation to any dividend payment please contact our Share Registry, Computershare by calling 1300 850 505 (within Australia) or +61 9415 4000 (outside)
- How do I update my holding details?
Shareholders can access holding information via .
The method of updating personal details is dependent on the type of shareholding you have. If a shareholding is issuer sponsored, as identified with a Security Reference Number (SRN) beginning with "I", updating personal details is done through If a shareholding is broker sponsored, as identified with a Holder Identification Number (HIN) beginning with "X", updating personal details is done through via your broker. The SRN or HIN can be found on a recent statement or proxy form.
In addition to the online Investor Centre, Computershare can also be contacted through the methods listed below.
Phone: 1300 555 159 (Australia ) or +61 39415 4062 (if calling from overseas)
Fax: (03) 9473 2500
Post: GPO Box 2975, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia
- How do I obtain a copy of my dividend statement?
All dividend statements are uploaded to your security holding via the Investor Centre . Please log into Investor Centre by using your holding ID along with your postcode/countrycode.